Actual size of a Sea slug
Thompsonawatsubu shell

Please try to imagine the size of the sea slug. Do you think you are about the size of one?I think the most people think about 5 ~ 10cm. In fact, most of the sea slug is there are only a few millimeters only. Exactly what it is the size of rice grains on. If you look at the photos I put on the fingertips, I should be self-explanatory.Really small, it is hard to find a sea slug.
The photo on the right of Igaryugu sea slug is a baby.It is very cute! ButThe photo on the above of Thompsonawatsubu shell is this size is the respectable adult size.It is very very small!
But, are also found in the sea slug is so giant.Is from the newspaper on 19 June 2012.
- Found in the Osaka Bay giant sea slug with more than 40cm in length. Companions of sea slug called "Yamatomeribe",seen in the Pacific Ocean side of the Miura Peninsula from Kyushu, being caught in the Osaka Bay unusual. -
I tried to find out about Yamatoribe, as a sea slug length of more than 40cm~60cm is like one of the largest.The body is in the form of semi-transparent an agar,A giant predatory called "hood" to 1/3 of the body is occupied. It is a very big mouth. Comes with a pair of projections 8 on the back, there are spots of bright red on the surface of the protrusion.Yamatoribe body shook from side to side, it is a swim to broadens or reduces the hood. There is also a citrus fruits smells peculiar to the body. Some sites writing "The hand touched the Yamatoribe smells was Zanthoxylum." Also Yamatoribe feces smells was a citrus fruits.
It is quite different from the image of small and cute sea slug, in fact, it is quite scary so I met such a huge mystery creatures in the sea.The fluttering of protrusions that are not part of Yamatomeribe is all mouth,It seems eat anything if this very large mouth. It is scary and the folds around the mouth look like a fang. However, the actual meal, seems to be a food is small shrimp. It is cute food. If you look at the world of strange creatures, such as deep-sea fish is pounded my heart!
Appearance to swim illuminated by the lighting is beautiful rather than frightening. The unknown organisms can not imagine, there is a mysterious beauty.

Thompsonawatsubu shell

Please try to imagine the size of the sea slug. Do you think you are about the size of one?I think the most people think about 5 ~ 10cm. In fact, most of the sea slug is there are only a few millimeters only. Exactly what it is the size of rice grains on. If you look at the photos I put on the fingertips, I should be self-explanatory.Really small, it is hard to find a sea slug.
Igaryugu sea slug
The photo on the right of Igaryugu sea slug is a baby.It is very cute! ButThe photo on the above of Thompsonawatsubu shell is this size is the respectable adult size.It is very very small!
But, are also found in the sea slug is so giant.Is from the newspaper on 19 June 2012.
- Found in the Osaka Bay giant sea slug with more than 40cm in length. Companions of sea slug called "Yamatomeribe",seen in the Pacific Ocean side of the Miura Peninsula from Kyushu, being caught in the Osaka Bay unusual. -
There was an article that.
I tried to find out about Yamatoribe, as a sea slug length of more than 40cm~60cm is like one of the largest.The body is in the form of semi-transparent an agar,A giant predatory called "hood" to 1/3 of the body is occupied. It is a very big mouth. Comes with a pair of projections 8 on the back, there are spots of bright red on the surface of the protrusion.Yamatoribe body shook from side to side, it is a swim to broadens or reduces the hood. There is also a citrus fruits smells peculiar to the body. Some sites writing "The hand touched the Yamatoribe smells was Zanthoxylum." Also Yamatoribe feces smells was a citrus fruits.
It is quite different from the image of small and cute sea slug, in fact, it is quite scary so I met such a huge mystery creatures in the sea.The fluttering of protrusions that are not part of Yamatomeribe is all mouth,It seems eat anything if this very large mouth. It is scary and the folds around the mouth look like a fang. However, the actual meal, seems to be a food is small shrimp. It is cute food. If you look at the world of strange creatures, such as deep-sea fish is pounded my heart!
Swimming Yamatomeribe Movie
Appearance to swim illuminated by the lighting is beautiful rather than frightening. The unknown organisms can not imagine, there is a mysterious beauty.

Choco Egg
Surprisingly how! Yamatomeribe is like has become a figure of Choco Egg and ChocoQ series "mysterious creatures". As far as you see this, just visible only to aliens.Come and I want to get.
In this manner,the sea slug have various species and shapes.In addition the size of sea slug many many types! It is a versatile creature sea slug is. There are many unique species,so I don`t get tired of seeing. If I still more find out about sea slug, I can meet interesting sea slug!
In this manner,the sea slug have various species and shapes.In addition the size of sea slug many many types! It is a versatile creature sea slug is. There are many unique species,so I don`t get tired of seeing. If I still more find out about sea slug, I can meet interesting sea slug!
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